"Oh, and there is also 'Peter Pan in Scarlet', which is technically the official sequel to Peter Pan, but only because it was published after the copyright of the original ran out."

"I'm shocked you forgot the Aeneid, since its been dubbed the first fanfiction ever quite frequently. ;) Nice list."

"Updated a new things: added "Land of Oz" and "Shangri-La", also "muggle", though I have noted that there are two meanings that precede the Harry Potter one. Added "chortle" too, thanks for reminding m"

"There's just so much choice for movies, g0. Though it would be a very entertaining endeavour."

"How about Carrie? :P Also, Freaky Friday, The Craft, Dazed and Confused, Ginger Snaps, Take the Lead, Kevin and Perry, The New Guy, The Breakfast Club, The Hole, Kidulthood, American Pie, to name a fe"

"Gabrielle is more of a strawberry blonde some of the time, but she is indeed ginger."

"Just about to watch through the rest of the second series and then it will be updated, don't worry. :P"

"GA: I can't find Laputan in my current dictionary, though this could just mean it has dropped out of current usage."

"Prelude, Casanova would maybe be more appropriate for my Authors in the Dictionary list, but not here. Thanks for the suggestion though. :) Plus, with phrases such as Peter Pan and Humpty Dumpty it co"

"Nice list! The first Broken Sword game is being released for the Wii, which may be something to add here. :)"

"I'm quite a fan of literary tattoos, as long as they are done well. This link has a couple you don't have: http://bookkake.com/2009/03/25/literary-tattoos/ ;)"

"Additions you could make: Daria: Ms. Angela Li X-Men: Evolution: Mystique (Raven Darkholme) & Edward Kelly The Fairly OddParents: Geraldine Waxelplax"

"Ah, I see good old British dentistry on a few of those... I don't see why Daniel Radcliffe is so mocked for his teeth, but that's probably because in being British myself I'm not under the same extrem"

"Madonna is her name, just omitting her middle and last name(s), which I didn't think was very interesting, tbh."

"Nice list. I've linked to it from two of my new lists. Bond Girls Official James Bond theme song performers"

"I recommend Connie and Carla. Two women who pretend to be drag queens must fit in here somewhere. :P And for minor cross-dressing you could consider Sorority Boys and Ed Wood. Nice list! :)"

"Love it! :D Well done and it was worth the weeks effort. ;)"