"I think Dilbert started out in print, so wouldn't count here. I can work on dividing the list up into sections, the webcomics don't really need their own list though."

"How about Body Dalle? http://www.listal.com/person/brody-dalle I'm linking you in my new "Iconic Harstyles" list, btw. :) http://www.listal.com/list/iconic-hairstyles"

"It doesn't go wrong every time, I agree, but its not the best way to make new shows by far. The main thing I dislike about the US Skins is that they have changed the characters in weird ways. "Stanley"

"Updated 2010-2011, adding ABBA through Tom Waits, and adding in a couple of band member listings for 2009 that I missed."

"Nicole Fiorentino of Veruca Salt, and Maya Ford of The Donnas."

"Will make additions tomorrow, thanks for all the suggestions! And Ranzkind, the "authenticity" bit refers to the actors, not the characters."

"Also, in the Tarzan entry, its "debts" not "depts". ;)"

"Finally updated this list with suggestions! Also finally added Dido and Rip Torn. I may or may not add Madonna at some later point, but I'm not going to justify anything I do or do not add. As I stat"

"Have fleshed out the Toy Story 3 section, and added a couple of other items to WALL-E and Up that I found on the /Film pages for the films."

"I did not personally find all of these, rather I have compiled what I have found online, hence the sources section in my description. I decided to do this when I recently rewatched Hercules with some "

"Added extra pictures for the people already present, and will be working on adding more muppeteers in the next few days!"

"Plus, some of the things are too small to be blatant promotion. There won't be a subconscious link to something that is too small to see clearly because it's too small to even register. (Such as the a"

"I think it's more about the creators having a laugh about it. There isn't much promotion in, say, the Lotso teddy sitting in the girl's room in Up. You'd have to know where its from to know there was "

"It is suggested that in that instance they used the background from Aladdin in Hercules, not having planned it as happens with some other items. Such as Dug's shadow appearing 2 years before the relea"

"You NEED to add Witch Hazel (http://www.listal.com/movie/broomstick-bunny). Oh, and what about Nancy or whoever from The Craft?"

"Another one you should add: The Amanda Show. Also, there is a new one on Channel 4, which you may or may not want to add, called The Morgana Show. So far I don't know what's actually going on in it, "

"X2 - Nightcrawler and Beast. Aladdin - Genie The Fifth Element - Diva Plavalaguna Monsters Inc - Suly Finding Nemo - Dori The Muppets (any film) - Gonzo You can find a bunch more if you do a google s"